

pronouns are she/they

For more info read the "about me" chapter in my rants, tags facts book: "Stories of a hormonal girl in the aro spec"

Proud to be in the aro spec ;)


LYou're probably here from wattpad, aren't you? Well then, here are a few things you need to know about me!
My name is Sophie. I often use Sophie Bruadar as my pen-name. Bruadar means dreamer (or dream) in Scots Gaelic according to google translate.I'm a minor.I'm aromantic, possibly asexual and bisexualI'm an ISTJ but ISTP also fitsI am 90% more hormonal than your average teenager meaning I get huge mood swings, I get weird desires all the time and I'm pretty emotional.Oh I also have anger issues although I'm learning to control my anger slowly :DMy aesthetic is a mix of grunge and dazecore. I call it Sophiecore lmao.I love rock music. My favourite bands currently are Lovejoy, Green Day, Imagine dragons and obviously the BeatlesI'm a ravenclaw with a wolf patronus and a hazel wood wand with a unicorn hair core, 12 1/4 " and hard flexibility.I'm a daughter of AthenaI'm deffinitely a dragon rider.And a rangerMy favourite colour is blue and I have dyed my hair with it!My hobbies are reading, dancing and drawing (with pencils).
